Too excited. Serious?
**Initiating Sarcasm**
Since we have all decided LeBron can do no good (never mind that "The Decision" resulted in a $2-3 million check being cut to the Boys & Girls Club), of course we are furious LeBron and D-Wade shared such a warm embrace.
We criticized his choice to take less money and play to win championships with Heat. Apparently, we want our superstars to play for money and nothing else.
We didn't like the way Bosh, Wade and James "conspired" to get together, because it is bad to want to work with colleagues who are excellent at what they do. Not to mention we know players and GMs have NEVER conspired to get players on their team. Never.
**Terminating Sarcasm**
I understand haters are going to hate, but hating on a guy being excited?
Sure the hug seemed a bit over the top, but it's not like the three guys celebrated with a stage and smoke and whatnot. You only do that after signing a big free agent class.

Maybe you think they ought to act like they've been there before.
Maybe you think they should wait until they've actually won a title.
Then again, they aren't you, and you aren't them.
You aren't the one who received death threats and all sorts of other forms of backlash after leaving your home region (Akron is NOT the same city as Cleveland).
You aren't the one who has been irrationally hated for nearly a year.
You aren't the one who maybe wondered if you made the right choice in going to Miami.
You aren't the one who was told this experiment would be a failure all season long.
You aren't the who played in the series and finally beat a team you hadn't previously beaten in a playoff series.
You're asking LeBron to be you, or maybe you aren't, because...
Maybe you're the guy who excessively celebrates when beating a friend a PS3.
Maybe you're the guy who obsesses about sports to the point that when your team loses, you're noticeably in a bad mood.
Maybe you're the guy who gets worked up when you can't watch "the game."
Either way, I'm not telling you NOT to do these things, so you shouldn't be telling LeBron James and Dwayne Wade how to celebrate after beating a nemesis. After all, you didn't beat your nemesis.